- BIBLE - The Bible is inspired by God and thus true. We approach the Bible on its own terms as a divinely inspired, ancient Near Eastern book written by people living in the ancient Near Eastern world in their own times, settings, contexts. etc. to real people and communities in the same places and times. In other words we endeavor to keep scripture in its own context. And most importantly we interpret the Bible through the lens of the eternal God who never changes as revealed by, in, and through Jesus. God is like Jesus and always has been and thus we interpret Scripture and the nature and works of God through the lens of God in the flesh: Jesus.
- GOD - The Triune God of the Bible is the real God; one God comprised of three Divine, uncreated, eternal Persons. God (the Trinity) is EXACTLY like God revealed Himself to be in the Person of Jesus. Jesus is God's commentary on Himself. God's nature, character, and every action are all consistent with Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ revealed a God Who is ALWAYS and ONLY good! In Him is LIGHT and no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). God is only good; He saves, heals, delivers, blesses, etc. He does not kill, make sick, cause accidents, make people reject the Gospel, etc. GOD IS LIKE JESUS...ACCORDING TO JESUS (Matt. 11:27, John 14:9, etc).
- THE FALL - The first created people, Adam and Eve, sinned and thus plunged all of humanity into sin and death. Humans are born fallen; that is, with a propensity towards sin.
- THE LAW - God later gave the Law to Israel to show them their sinfulness. According to the Apostle Paul the Law was not given to remedy sin but rather to reveal sin (Rom. 3:20, 1 Cor. 15:56).
- REDEMPTION PLAN - God sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world in order to reveal God and in doin so to also redeem humanity from their sin through His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension.
- SALVATION - Salvation is a free gift of God's grace received by faith apart from any merit or works. It's eternal and received in full from the moment of putting faith in Jesus Christ.
- BLESSINGS - Salvation includes many blessings such as forgiveness, spiritual regeneration from death to life, healing, provision, and can be followed up by the subsequent experience known as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and includes the Gifts of the Spirit and other supernatural manifestations of God's power.
- SACRAMENTS - Water Baptism, Holy Communion, and the Laying on of Hands are sacraments in the Church; special means that God has established to relate to us and to deposit unique graces within His people individually and corporately.
- ETERNITY - Those who received Jesus as Savior will spend forever with Him in eternal bliss. The Glory Center does believe in a literal hell.